Let C4C help you in the fight for our planet.

Let C4C help you in the fight for our planet.  image

Fundraising for a brighter future

Walking around McNeely Lake Park in Louisville, Kentucky on a Sunday afternoon in 2020, highschool seniors Katelyn Johnston and Shayla Long noticed an immense amount of trash piled up around them, destroying their beloved beautiful green space. The pollution littering their once spotlesss trails forced them to face the reality of climate change, that it was serious and it was knocking on their back door. After the first park clean up, they decided to continue the work to educate others on how to live a more sustainable lifestyle, hoping to avoid such detrimental pollution.

Since the founding of Clean4Change in 2021, the organization has evolved from park clean ups, to advocacy socials, and education around our communities. Our group has continued to serve the Louisville community as well as other areas among Kentucky for the past 3 years in every effort to be involved in the conversation of climate change. We believe in creating a greener future for our planet through education and action. We aim to limit the impact of climate change on vulnerable communities by connecting with these groups to address environmental harms.

Clean4Change’s mission is to provide education for communities throughout Kentucky on how to best care for the planet and life on it. We are dedicated to providing accessible projects and education throughout the region to engage all people.

Your donation helps us to continue our work. Allowing us to continue our own education at conventions throughout the state, involve new members, pay for supplies and gas and more. Donating today will allow us to continue our work for a brighter tomorrow.